Friday, June 18, 2010

Here's to the Dads! True Heroes for Children

Father's Day is Sunday and to celebrate we wanted to spotlight a dad who is truly a hero for his son, Blake, and to all of the families who have been helped by HFC.

Jim Lieberman and his family have been through a lot this past year. Their son Blake was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called Ewing's Sarcoma in February, but through it all they have had a fighting spirit and a gracious attitude.
When I first met the Liebermans I could tell right away that they had and would do anything and everything to help Blake and children like him.

When we asked Jim to speak at HFC's largest fundraiser, Heroes and Handbags, he didn't think twice before saying "Yes!" When asked if he was sure that he could handle speaking to a group of over 400 guests he said, "Blake has had to do a lot of things this past year that he hasn't wanted to, so now it's my turn. "

Although he is a Katy police officer and not a public speaker, he would have fooled us! He gave an eloquent, touching and memorable speech that brought most everybody in attendance to tears.

He recounted Blake's journey through cancer treatment and about the other families who are in the same battle who they have grown close to, and how needed Heroes for Children's assistance is to them. He brought a real face to the families all over Texas who are fighting with their children against this devastating disease.

So here's to ALL of the amazing dads who are fighting along with Jim and his family to bring their children through treatment and into a cancer-free future!

Have a happy and joyful Father's Day, you deserve it!

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